How to navigate a work Christmas Party alcohol free

Christmas can be a triggering time of the year if you are trying to not drink or are in recovery.  Alcohol is everywhere and advertising is glamming up the false sense that you are missing out if you don’t have a drink in your hand. No kidding it can feel difficult when the staff Christmas party comes along, especially if it’s the first time you are navigating the December period sober.

I was once the first person at a Christmas party to be chugging back the bubbles and pushing my way to the bar for a top up of the complimentary drinks. But I was always destined for a serious hangover and a whole lot of bad behaviour that I couldn’t remember the next day.

But once I experienced a festive season sober, I realised there were many things I could do to get me in the party mood and rock a work Christmas function alcohol free.   

With a change in attitude and taking these easy steps, enjoying the silly season without booze can actually be an exciting time, but you have to try it to believe it.  Bring on the sober party!  

Here are my top tips on how to enjoy your staff Christmas party alcohol free:

1. Make a firm decision 

Your mind can be a little devilish at times as it tries to take you to the fastest route to pleasure, to what it already knows – Alcohol.  If this is the first time you are holding back on drinking at Christmas it can seem like a challenge.  But making a firm decision that you will not be drinking gives your brain an answer every time the thought of having a drink pops into your mind.  Remember a “maybe” means a “yes” so decide before you go that you won’t be drinking and it can free up lots of energy to enjoy the party.

2. Change your attitude

If you think you will have a boring time, you most likely will.  Try coming to a party with a sense of curiosity.  Enjoy the changes in your perception of the event, notice that you are noticing more about what is happening around you as you are not numb and inebriated.  It is amazing how much you will take in, remember people’s names and everything they tell you (when they are drunk).   

3. Party Preparation

Getting ready for a Christmas party is half the fun.  Play your favourite music and dance around your bedroom when you are getting ready. Ignite your senses, through smell, movement, and sound.  It can put you in the party mood and sets off the feel good vibes even if you’re feeling a bit wobbly and unsure of going it sober.   

4. Put your party pants on, or wear a new dress!

 Whatever it is, pay extra attention to your look and go out feeling as fabulous.  Buying something new, have your hair or makeup done. These small things can make all the difference to feeling special and fabulous at an event.  You will come in glowing as you’re looking your best and put your best foot forward.

5. Make a plan

Visualize how you want the event to go. See yourself walking in the door, how you will answer the person who asks you what you want to drink and what you will ask for instead of alcohol. Do a few practice rounds in the mirror, our brains love repetition, so it just rolls off the tongue when you get to the party.  Visualization can help take the anxiety away from the moment and remember, no one is paying as much attention as you think, they just want you to have a good time.

6. Caffeine and Sugar, get a bit revved up!

My trick is to lower the amount of sugar and caffeine I have earlier in the day and save this for when you are getting ready to go out. A little caffeine and sugar at the right time can give you a dopamine boost when you need it and helps put you in the party mood.

7. Make a phone call

Call the venue prior and ask about what non alcoholic options they have.  Knowing what you are going to drink before you go, takes the element of surprise away.  Having a non alcoholic beer or mocktail in your hand looks the same as the crowd and no one notices what you are drinking. 

8. Tell a friend

Let a friend know that you are not drinking. Having someone close to you know you are not going to drink helps keep you accountable and can provide support and understanding.  They don’t need to know all the details, but letting another person know gives you that added support you may need if it seems like you are the only one not drinking. 

9. Drive to party

Being the driver keeps you accountable and you can offer people who are drinking a lift home, you will be the favourite person at the party if you are offering them a lift!

10. Eat and be merry

Hey it’s Christmas, so don’t hold back on the food department, save your eating for the party and tuck into the flavours of Christmas food. I always have dessert this time of year and to hell with the guilt, that can wait for the new years resolution!

11. Find your purpose

Social events are about meeting people, communicating and having a laugh.  Think up some questions you might want to ask people during the occasion.  “What your claim to fame?” “tell me a good Christmas joke” and have a few festive jokes up your sleeve, you will be the life of the party!

12. Keep a drink in your hand

 If you are not comfortable telling people you’re not drinking, keep a drink in your hand and buy your own drinks from the bar.  Everyone just wants to know you are having good time, so having something in your hand and a smile on your dial will keep those pesky drunk friends assured that you are enjoying yourself.

13. Dance the night away

Hopefully, everyone is drinking and their inhibitions are down so the dancing can start. I love a good boogie on the dance floor and I tell you, if you’re dancing sober you are a much better dancer than everyone else who is under the influence.  So have a laugh at all the bad dancing around you and get your dancing shoes on, it’s time to shine!

14. Come late, leave early. 

It’s not rude, it’s a great strategy.  Planning an exit strategy ahead of time makes it easier to exit stage left if it all gets too much.  You don’t need to be the last one standing to have had a successful Christmas party, come strategically late, and participating for a period of time is all that is required of anyone at a staff party.

15. Congratulations and rewards.

Hey you did it! Tick that off your bucket list and give yourself a reward.  Maybe it’s a candle-lit bath when you get home, or booking a deep tissue massage the next day.  Whatever it is, keep those reward pathways fired in other healthy ways that reinforce this great new way of living.

Experiencing a hangover-free Christmas Party is the best reward you can ever give yourself and lots of good memories that you haven’t wiped away from drinking booze.  The first time you do anything new can seem like a challenge, but once you do it once, every Christmas after that will be a breeze.

Do you still feel a bit overwhelmed?

You are welcome to book a FREE 30 minute call to discuss your needs to give yourself the best chance for the festive season.